How to Be More Eco-Focused and Still Have a Sparkling Home
/We are all aware that we need to be doing more when it comes to protecting our planet and the environment for our children, and our children's children.
The more we can do collectively, the bigger impact we can have. You may recycle, you might try and make greener choices when it comes to your lifestyle, but what about when it comes to cleaning your home? We all want to ensure that we have a sparkling clean home for our family to enjoy and relax in. The truth is, we associate cleanliness with using chemical-based products and other harmful solutions like bleach.
We have been programmed to think that way, but there is another option. You could become more eco-focused when it comes to cleaning. But how do you do it? Here are some of the ways to be more eco-focused and still have a sparkling home.
Why make the switch to eco-friendly products?
One of the first things you could consider doing is making a switch from the products you usually use to eco-friendly alternatives. There is a great selection in shops these days that will help you to make better choices from washing up liquid through to an anti-bacterial spray. However, why should you make the switch if you have been happy with the products you currently use?
Go with Solar Power
Solar power is always a great way to live a more sustainable life. Going with this doesn’t have to have a negative impact on how your home looks. In fact, solar panels can have a positive impact on your house’s aesthetic. Add in how much they can help with your utility bills, and there shouldn’t be much to worry about.
Fewer chemicals
The first main reason is that eco-friendly products use fewer chemicals and are more natural. We all know that when we pick up certain products in the supermarket they have a hazard warning there for toxic chemicals, and eco-focused products don’t contain those sorts of things.
Eco-focused products are a lot more budget-friendly than you may have previously believed. They cost a similar amount to the products that you buy already, and you may find that you don’t need as many products to get the same result.
Credit: Unsplash
Should you make your own solutions
Another option is to create your own cleaning products. You can do this with things like white vinegar, bicarbonate soda, lemons, and essential oils to name a few. There are many books and blogs online that are full of recipes and ideas to help you create your own cleaning products. They are more affordable and eco-friendly as you re-use spray bottles and things you have in your home.
Get a routine going
It is important to continue with a cleaning routine when using eco-friendly products. Just because you make the switch for different products, you still need to invest the same level of time for cleaning. They don’t work miracles, and you will have to clean just as much as you have done in the past. But you are secure in the knowledge that you are not using harmful chemicals in your home.
Are eco products as good as the ones you have used in the past?
Finally, the main question is are these products as good as the ones you have been buying for years? The answer is yes!
There has been much development and focus on eco-friendly products to encourage people to make the switch. You may find that some of these products or the solutions you create yourself harbour better results.
Hopefully, this will encourage you to have an eco approach to your cleaning. The results can be quite surprising. You will wonder why you didn’t keep all the cleaning methods from your Granny which still work now and actually are better for your family and the environment.
Credit: Unsplash