Natalie Juna uses this page to add the ads txt to the site as squarespace doesn’t support it.

These are the instructions for the work around:

1. Download the ads.txt file from Google AdSense.

2. On Squarespace, go to your Pages, and create a blank page under the "Not Linked" section.

3. On that page, create a text block and write anything you like. I wrote "test".

4. Highlight the text and click on the hyperlink icon. Once the small window pops up, click on the settings icon.

5. Go to the "File" section and upload the ads.txt file. Once uploaded, click on it to select it (a tick mark will appear next to it). Click apply then save the page.

8. Return to your page's dashboard and go to Settings --> Advanced --> URL Mappings.

9. In the box, type "/ads.txt -> /s/ads.txt 301". Save., pub-4210033553215207, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0