Encourage Your Child to Build a Life Long Love of Reading
Encourage your child to build a life long love of reading
Follow these tips to encourage your child to build a life long love of reading. I have always loved to read and as a parent, I wanted to share my passion for reading with my children. Here are my tips to help your child develop a love of reading.
Books everywhere
In my home, there are books in almost every room. Some are tucked away neatly in bookcases but we always leave books on coffee tables, by the side of beds, in the car, etc. If books are at hand easily children will be more likely to pick them up and read.
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A good selection
Not all children like the same types of books. Depending on the child's mood, they may sometimes like storybooks and at other times, fiction books.
We have lots of information books lying around that can be picked up and read for just a few minutes at a time. We also have a good selection of kids’ joke books, which are always a firm favourite with my eldest child.
Children often like magazines and comics rather than books. Make it a real treat to go out and choose a magazine.
A new type of reading
Be open to new ways of reading. Children can read on the computer and many handheld devices now. It might not be the way we read as children, but that doesn't mean it's not okay for your child in moderation.
Lead by example
Let your child see you reading. Talk to your child about books or other things you're reading and ask them about what they are reading.
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Read to your child
Young children usually love their parents reading to them. Let them choose the book and don't be surprised if they choose the same book over and over again. Reading your child a bedtime story is just as important at 10 years old as it was when they were tiny. Don’t stop doing it.
Visit the library
Make visiting the library a regular event, preferably the same day each week. There's such a huge range of books for all age ranges. It’s also a huge cost saving. We were spending so much money on books and my children read quickly now. So we invested in a library card!
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Book reviews
It's a great idea for kids to do book reviews. They can be as simple as adding stars by the name of the book to writing a full blown review for older children.
Join a book club
Your child might like to join a children's book club. These are sometimes run by schools or at the library. You can even join clubs online.
Always make reading fun
Make reading a happy and fun experience for your child, something they can look forward to. When reading becomes a chore your child is unlikely to develop a passion for reading any time soon.
I hope these ideas will help you encourage your child to love reading for life.